Monday, November 21, 2011

2nd Grade "Its Your World!"

2nd Grade Mixed Media These worlds are marvelous! 2nd grade worked so hard on their personal worlds. We brainstormed things they like to do and turned them into houses. We used blue, green and white paint to create our planets and finally put everything together. Looks awesome, 2nd grade!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Andy Goldsworthy Leaves

3rd Grade Mixed Media

What Beautiful fall colors! 3rd grade just finished learning about Andy Goldsworthy and his work with natural materials. We critiqued a few of his famous images, looking for the art elements in each. To begin our project, each of the 3rd graders described and drew a specific type of wind. Some choose a breezy wind, others chose a strong, blustery wind. They illustrated their wind with white crayon on a blue paper. Then, for the leaves, we used ironed plastic bags. the material was a little difficult to cut, but they did an awesome job! we painted the leaves using a combination of yellow and red. Fantastic results!

Monday, November 7, 2011

5th Expressive Portraits

These expressive self-portraits turned out awesome! The 5th graders looked at expressive portraits by famous artists and discussed how each portrait gave off a different emotion. They each had to decide on their own emotion they would portray in their self portrait. I took each of their pictures and printed them in black and white. Then, the students had to choose colors that went along with their expression. Warm colors were used for the more positive and happy expressions, while cool colors were used for the more sad, calm or shy pictures. Nice job 5th grade!

Sun and Rain

Yellow Day, Blue Day


Kindergarten's next project was attaching emotions to colors. We started out with blue and yellow. I described yellow as a happy color because the sunshine makes everyone happy. Blue was described as a sad color, because it makes us a little sad when it rains. We created a sun and an umbrella to show our colors, using watercolor and collage as our media. Love these projects!

1st Grade Diego Rivera Flowers

1st Grade Diego Rivera Flowers

The 1st graders started this project by critiquing Diego Rivera's work. We looked for shapes and colors in his famous work, "Flower Seller". The students then wrote a sentence about who they would want to give flowers to and why. We stamped the background with tempera paint and then cut out our vases and petals and glued them to the background. Our final step was to attach a tag telling the viewer who our flowers were for. So sweet!