Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Birthday Cupcakes in Kindergarten!

We used everything we've learned this year to put together these fantastic cupcakes! the bottom of the cupcake was a square.. a GEOMETRIC shape! the top of the cupcake was shaped like a cloud.. an ORGANIC shape! We used straight thick lines for our candles. Guess what three colors each class used? PRIMARY COLORS! Great results, Kindergarten!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

2nd Grade Landscape

2nd Grade Landscapes! We looked at landscapes by Ted Harrison and then the second graders got to work on thier own masterpieces. Each landscape has a foreground, middle ground and background. One class used warm colors to complete thier paintings, the other used cool colors. Each 2nd grader used black paper to frame thier piece.

1st Grade Portraits

We used warm and cool colors to show happy and sad emotions in our 1st grade portraits. We drew our portraits with sharpie and cut them out. The 1st graders used a pattern for the background and then painted with watercolor over the entire thing.

5th Grade Cubism

5th grade started out the year working on a cubism project. They drew a still life (apples, oranges and bananas) and used oil pastels to add color. Then, they cut the image up and placed the pieces back together in another order. The hard work these 5th grades put into this project really shows!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Still life with Balance and Value

 Here's 3rd Grade's still life images. We talked about balance and value, and I showed some pictures from Cezanne. We talked about our favorite things for breakfast, pancakes, waffles, cereal, and pizza! they sketched a still life I set up and then filled in the middle plate with thier favorite breakfast food. We colored with crayon and used warm watercolors on top. They turned out fantastic!

4th Grade Impressionism

The 4th Graders just finished thier project on impressionism. They did a great job! They looked at flowers I set out on the desk and used penicl to make a sketch before they painted. We used q-tips and tempera to finish the piece.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Kindergarten Display

First successful Kindergarten Project!

The kids had to draw a triangle, square and circle using the primary colors (blue, yellow, red). Then we took the shapes and added thick, thin, straight and curvy lines to make bugs! Then, each kid drew a curvy line on both sides of their paper and we cut along the line. I arranged each piece to look like a log. Those kids sure know their shapes and straight and curvy lines!